road rage attacks on Tesla drivers

Road rage attack on Tesla in New Zealand

Every now and then, we witness attacks on Tesla drivers. Luckily, Tesla models are equipped with cameras.

Footage from New Zealand shows an inexplicable attack by a Mitsubishi driver. He tried to stop Geoff Gardiner in the Tesla Model X on several occasions with his Galant, offended by Geoff’s overtake. After failing in his intention, the driver of the Mitsubishi limousine, in a rage, decided that he wanted to ram Geoff! He sideswiped the Tesla, nearly losing control, and blocked Tesla. Gardiner tried to get away, but an angry driver closed the gap and both vehicles were immobilized.

That didn’t stop the Mitsubishi driver. He gets out of the car and angrily hits the glass of Tesla’s SUV with his hands, screaming and threatening Geoff. He even stops other drivers, not allowing them to leave the place.

Seeing that he can’t argue with the infuriated man, Geoff calls 911. Soon the police arrive and the Mitsubishi driver suggests that Tesla’s driver is to blame. The Tesla driver hands the video to the police, after which the police arrest the angry driver. He will be charged, among other things, for damages estimated at about $ 45,000.