Flying Tiger is the first VW flying taxi

Flying Tiger is the first VW flying taxi

Just as the sky is not the limit for the South Korean company Hyundai, the same could be said for VW. The German car manufacturer has unveiled its first flying taxi, the Flying Tiger.

This flying taxi is 11.2 meters long and 10.6 meters wide, and is the work of Volkswagen Group China. The eVTOL-type aircraft has the ability to take off and land vertically, and is equipped with eight vertical rotors and two horizontal rotors, allowing it to move in all directions.

Flying Tiger is still in the prototype phase and according to information coming from Volkswagen, it should have a range of 200 km and enough space to accommodate four people. More information about this craft, VW should release soon.

VW expects that the Flying Tiger should go into production next year, when it should have its first official flight. It is an ambitious plan considering that Hyundai has announced its autonomous flying taxi Supernal by 2028. It is expected that, due to zero-emission, it will attract a certain number of interested parties and replace a large number of helicopters that are currently used in short-distance transport.

Source: Volkswagen