How to reduce fuel consumption with cheap solutions

At a time when the price of fuel is extremely high, owners are trying to reduce the fuel consumption of their cars in various ways. One of the options is to improve aerodynamics.

How to reduce fuel consumption with cheap solutions

On the YouTube channel Think Flight, a video was published in which the owner of a Subaru Impreza found a truly unusual aerodynamic solution, which reduced fuel consumption by 13.7 percent. Using light and cheap materials such as 1.5 inch insulation foam and cardboard joined together with duck tape, gorilla glue, double sided sticky tape and goop, he made the rear end extension. He did it all in his garage.

Before starting the project, he studied the laws and saw that there were only two restrictions, the tail lights and the registration must remain visible. Surprised by the achieved result, the owner of Subaru Impreza set a goal to further reduce consumption. After testing, he realized that certain changes to the front end by adding a front splitter and sidewalls would redirect the air under the vehicle. Also, he realized that by shaping the extension to drop down as low as the side skirts would effectively eliminate a huge source of drag.

It remains to be seen what results he will achieve after further improving the aerodynamics of his vehicle.

Source: Think Flight via YouTube