BYD ordered 7 new cargo ships

BYD ordered 7 new cargo ships

The largest Chinese car manufacturer, BYD, became one of the top 10 largest manufacturers in the world last year with 3,024,417 vehicles produced. In an effort to expand its business outside of China, their first target is the European market, where they are lagging behind the competition. In order to meet the goals and the increasing demand, the speed of transporting cars to Europe is needed, and for this reason, BYD ordered 7 new cargo ships.

The development of the automobile industry in China is expanding, primarily fully electric vehicles, which are killing competition worldwide with low production costs and subsidies provided by the Chinese government. Thanks to that, in 2023 China became the world’s largest car exporter with 4.91 million vehicles. That is one million vehicles more than Japan, which was the world’s largest exporter for decades.

BYD currently owns one transport ship (BYD Explorer No.1) built by a local company, whose capacity is 7,000 cars. That is not enough, so the additional 7 ships will help this Chinese giant to transport its cars around the world faster. Currently, Chinese companies own less than 50 car cargo ships, and their combined capacity is less than 150,000 vehicles. In comparison, Japanese companies have ships that can transport 1.6 million vehicles.

How serious a player BYD is is also shown by the fact that it invests 14 billion dollars in the development of advanced technology, especially the ADAS system, which will make its cars safer on the road. The company also invests in marketing, thus becoming an official partner of UEFA Euro 2024, which will be held in Germany this summer.

Source: Reuters