Bus landed on the roof of a Porsche 911 (997)

Bus landed on the roof of a Porsche 911 (997)

In Fügen, Austria, a bizarre accident took place where a bus hit several parked vehicles, completely destroying a Porsche 911 (997).

According to the report of the Austrian ORF, the accident happened in one of the parking lots where the bus suddenly began to slide backwards, hitting several vehicles until it stopped on the roof of the Porsche, which was parked on a lower level, so the damage was inevitable. Luckily, the vehicles were empty so no one was hurt.

It is unknown what caused the uncontrolled sliding of the bus, but it is assumed that it could be a brake problem. In this accident, the right side of the VW SUV was completely damaged, while the BMW station wagon, which was on the right side, can be said to have been lucky because the photos show no damage.

When it comes to the estimated value of the damage, it is impossible to say with certainty how much the driver (company) will have to pay, but it is certain that it will not be cheap. The Porsche 911 (997) is not one of the most expensive cars, but the prices of this model vary from several tens of thousands to over 100,000 euros.

Source: ORF via Instagram
