Tag Archives: Accident

A two-year-old boy hit his mother by starting a Tesla Model X

In early April, Tesla reached a settlement with the family of Walter Huang, who was killed in a 2018 accident caused by autopilot in a Tesla Model X. Tesla is now facing another lawsuit related to this model.

According to Mallory Harcourt, her two-year-old son started a car and hit her while she was pregnant. She described arriving home that day and realizing she had forgotten the keys to the front door at the chiropractic clinic. Since she had to change her son’s diaper, she decided to set up a changing table in the garage before heading back. She left the driver’s door open and the boy, without her supervision, entered the car, pressed the brake, then touched the gear lever, and then the accelerator pedal. The car started moving and at a speed of 12 km/h hit Mallory.

In the lawsuit, she stated that she did not have time to react, and that she only heard her own bones crack. The neighbor called an ambulance, and in the hospital they found that she had suffered a broken pelvis. Due to the accident, she was delivered prematurely and the total cost of treatment was $73,000. Time has passed since the accident, but the lady still feels pain.

The lawyers claim that the child is not to blame for the accident and that it is impossible for a two-year-old to start a car. They claim that Tesla’s system is responsible for the accident, which the company rejects by claiming that the mother is to blame, because she was not paying attention to the child.

Source: The Miami Herald; Photo: Tesla

Highway Accident – Las Vegas

From the US comes a video of a car accident in which a vehicle flies over a highway. It all happened in Las Vegas, and the passengers were wearing seat belts.

The Nevada Highway Patrol-Southern Command shared the video on their twitter account. It is not known how fast the vehicle was moving and what caused the accident.

The Nevada Highway Patrol believes a wet road could be the cause of loss of control and vehicle overturning.

Police said that the passengers left after the accident without any serious injuries.