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VW reduced the number of employees at the Zwickau plant

Volkswagen records good sales results when it comes to cars with internal combustion engines. However, when it comes to VW electric cars, the results are not so good. This caused a certain number of workers to be laid off at the Zwickau plant.

Chinese car manufacturers are increasingly conquering the European and other electric car markets, which has a great impact on the business results of big brands such as VW. How serious a problem it is for the German manufacturer, is shown by the recent news that the factory in Zwickau reduced the production of electric cars and also reduced the number of employees.

Zwickau plant was founded on 26 September 1990 and it produced cars with internal combustion engines, such as the legendary Trabant. Later, the factory was transformed into an electric car production plant, where models such as: Volkswagen ID.3, Cupra Born, Volkswagen ID.4, Audi Q4 e-tron, Volkswagen ID.5 and Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron were born. . It had 10,700 employees with an annual production capacity of 330,000 cars.

Meanwhile, falling demand for VW electric cars forced Volkswagen to temporarily lay off 269 employees for a period of 12 months.

Source: Volkswagen