Tag Archives: Frozen cars

A ship with frozen cars sailed into the port of Vladivostok

A few days ago, a ship from South Korea sailed into the Russian port of Vladivostok with a lot of frozen cars. As if not enough problems were caused by the global shortage of semiconductors, in this case the delivery of new cars was slowed down by ice.

After the horrible weather conditions, the frozen cars arrived in the port. The ship was carrying Japanese models on deck, including a Honda Fit / Jazz and a Toyota Tank / Roomy.

It is quite common for vehicles to arrive in this condition during the winter, and when that happens, sailors remove the ice before unloading them from the ship. “It’s December, the sea is rough and windy. The sea is splashing on the boat, making a crust. It’s not a big deal. Except that this year the winds are much stronger than usual. But we sailors are used to it. It happened before, we unloaded cars and in the end everything was ok, “said the captain of the ship SUN for the Russian magazine VL.

Source: VL.ru