Tag Archives: Mercedes Sustaineer

The sustainability of electric vehicles is more than just switching to batteries

At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), Mercedes will use it to present the concept of an electric delivery van that improves the environment, the Mercedes Sustaineer model.

The van has particle filters in the front and in the chassis with which it purifies the air regardless of the speed of movement. It is equipped with ceramic-coated discs to reduce the amount of dust in the air and limit brake wear, as well as other environmentally friendly technology.

It is equipped with solar panels on the roof to reduce the need for plug-in charging and increase range, an energy-saving heating system, cameras that monitor road conditions, digital mirrors that offer a better view, as well as biologically active light that keeps the driver awake thanks to lighting similar to daylight.

Inside, the cabin compartment is made of natural straw. Mercedes has also reduced noise pollution thanks to quiet electric drive, low-resistance tires and muffled automatic doors.

The vehicle is currently in the form of a concept, whether it will enter the production phase is currently unknown.

Source: Mercedes-Benz