Tag Archives: Semi

Tesla Semi Electric Truck

Tesla is again delaying the start of production of the Semi electric truck due to problems in the development of the new 4680 battery cells.

Although it was announced that production of the Tesla Semi electric truck would begin this year, the Q2 report confirmed the opposite. This is not the first time that the start of Semi production has been delayed. Mass production of the Semi was supposed to start in 2019, but it was postponed to 2021.

The company informed shareholders that the delay was due to limited availability of battery cells and problems in the supply chain.

“To better focus on these factors, and due to the limited availability of battery cells and global supply chain challenges, we have shifted the launch of the Semi truck program to 2022.”

The Tesla Semi has a range of 300-500 miles and will sell for $ 150,000 (base model with a range of 300 miles) and $ 180,000 (500 miles range). Up to 60 mph comes in 20 seconds with an energy consumption of 2 kWh per mile, and reservations cost $ 20,000.

Source: Tesla