Tag Archives: SUVs

SUV owners will pay more for parking in Paris

The surge in private vehicle ownership, fueled by factors such as population growth, economic prosperity, and urbanization, has overwhelmed existing parking facilities in many cities. Roads that were once designed to accommodate a manageable number of parked cars now find themselves inundated with vehicles, turning once-accessible parking spaces into precious commodities. For this reason, the authorities of the French capital, Paris, decided to hold a referendum on raising the price of parking for large SUVs in the city center on February 4, 2024.

According to available information, the Paris authorities want to introduce a higher price for parking for ICE cars weighing more than 1.6 tons, and electric cars weighing more than two tons, and for now most of them are just like that. Based on the car’s license plate, it will be possible to determine the car’s weight, which will also determine the price of parking.

‘We need to reduce the number and size of cars in the city and therefore we will hold a referendum on how much space should be allocated for this type of vehicle in Paris. The vote is designed to tell those who drive SUVs – No! Such cars will not be welcome in the city centre,’ said David Belliard, deputy mayor of Paris.

The growing number of cars in cities is a complex issue that requires urgent attention and innovative solutions. As urban populations continue to expand, the need for sustainable and efficient transportation becomes paramount. By fostering a shift towards public transportation, investing in green technologies, and designing cities with a focus on accessibility and inclusivity, we can mitigate the adverse effects of the car overload phenomenon and pave the way for more livable, resilient, and environmentally friendly urban spaces .

Source: Reuters