Euro 7 standards will apply from 2026

Euro 7 standards will apply from 2026

For a long time, there was talk about the Euro 7 standard, which was supposed to reduce the harmful impact of internal combustion engines on the environment and thereby appease the increasingly strong demands of those who advocate for environmental protection, but their strict regulations met with strong resistance from vehicle manufacturers. In the meantime, the European Parliament tried to find a solution that should satisfy both parties, which they succeeded in doing. The solution is milder regulations very close to the current Euro 6 standards.

Car manufacturers were against strict regulations that, according to them, would increase the price of cars and reduce investment in electric vehicles. They also pointed out that measurements of microplastic particles obtained by braking and rolling tires would be too expensive and the environmental benefits negligible.

“We believe that with this proposal we have achieved broad support and a balance in the investment costs of producers while improving the environmental conditions resulting from these regulations,” said Hector Gomez Hernandez, Spain’s Acting Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

The new Euro 7 norm will apply from 2026, and the new regulations include new, less strict regulations on the limitation of microplastic particle emissions from tires and brakes.

Source: Reuters