Renault offers 30% cheaper EV parts

Renault offers 30% cheaper EV parts

We all know that the price of new electric cars is increasing and that replacement parts are very expensive. This could change in the future, because new production methods accompanied by new innovations are predicted to bring prices down in the coming years. Until that happens, some manufacturers, such as Renault, are considering offering refurbished parts that will be 30% cheaper.

Three key and at the same time expensive components of electric vehicles will be in circulation to reduce costs. The renewed electric motor, electronics and battery will initially be offered to owners of the models: ZOE, Twingo E-Tech, Kangoo E-Tech, Master E-Tech and Megane E-Tech.

Renault is one of the brands that invests the most effort in everything that has to do with the circular economy, and at ChangeNow in Paris, it announced that by repairing parts, it wants to extend the life of components and cars, which would ultimately mean a lower cost of production but also cheaper electric cars . This plan will be implemented in Renault plants in France (Flins), Turkey (Bursa) and Spain (Seville).

The Flins plant will have the capacity to produce more than 3,000 remanufactured parts. The “Re-trofit” department is designed for the overhaul of used vehicles of any brand, while Master III owners will be offered the installation of an electric powertrain.

Source: Renault