Tag Archives: mercedes

Lewis Hamilton is back

The new Formula 1 season is about to begin. Many teams have announced the names of their drivers, only the Mercedes team did not know for sure who would be behind the wheel. The mystery has been solved since Lewis Hamilton confirmed his participation in the 2022 season.

Although Bernie Ecclestone recently hinted that Hamilton could end his career as a Formula 1 driver, this will not happen. Ecclestone’s statement was based on his impression after talking to Hamilton’s father: “I don’t think he’ll be back next season. His disappointment was too big after last race. Now, tied for seven titles with Michael Schumacher, it’s the perfect time for him to fulfill his dream and be a fashion entrepreneur. Also with George Russell he would have an ambitious team-mate, and could lose a lot next season. “

Did Lewis Hamilton end his career as a Formula 1 driver?

In a dramatic finale last year, Hamilton lost the title to Max Verstappen in Abu Dhabi. After that he decided to take a break and didn’t want to talk about whether it was his last season in Formula 1 or not. However, on his twitter profile he posted “I’ve been gone. Now I’m back!” thus confirming his participation in the certainly exciting new Formula 1 season.

Source: Lewis Hamilton via twitter

Did Lewis Hamilton end his career as a Formula 1 driver?

Did Lewis Hamilton end his career as a Formula 1 driver?
Photo: Twitter

Preparations for the new season are underway. Teams are largely finishing testing new engines. Many teams know who will drive their cars, which could not be said for Mercedes because it seems that Lewis Hamilton will not be competing next season.

According to Bernie Ecclestone, after talking to Lewis Hamilton’s father, his impression is that Lewis will not be competing next season. “I don’t think he’ll be back next season. His disappointment was too big after last race. Now, tied for seven titles with Michael Schumacher, it’s the perfect time for him to fulfill his dream and be a fashion entrepreneur. Also with George Russell he would have an ambitious team-mate, and could lose a lot next season, ”Ecclestone said.

Does this mean the end of the career of one of the most successful Formula 1 drivers? It is still unknown. The new season starts in a few months, so hopefully we’ll enjoy Lewis ’driving skills for at least another season.

A group of Albanian girls stopped traffic to record a TikTok video

On social media, we can see various situations that influencers get into in order to record a video or a picture. One such happened in Albania where a group of Albanian girls decided to make a video for TikTok.

Many people try to do more nonsense for a click, which can really irritate others. Sometimes, without thinking, they put themselves and others in danger. One such video was posted on Reddit.

The video shows a group of young girls stopping traffic in a Mercedes E-Class and dancing with a bottle of champagne in their hands. The incident angered other drivers on a very busy road who called the police who arrested the participants in the event.

A police report states that the participants in the event, due to illegal actions, caused a traffic jam. Police confiscated the Mercedes, and the 21-year-old driver was fined 50,000 Lek ( $482 or €410 ). To make matters worse, the driver did not have a driver’s license, so the investigation will be extended to the person who gave her the car.

This is not the only case, because recently the police initiated proceedings against the drivers of Audi, BMW and Range Rover for stopping traffic and playing loud music.

Source: Reddit