Tag Archives: Porsche sales results in the first quarter of 2022

Porsche sales results in the first quarter of 2022

Last year was a record year for Porsche when it comes to sales, and it seems that we can expect the same in 2022. According to data released by the Stuttgart-based company, in the first three months of this year over 68,000 vehicles have been sold worldwide.

Due to all the difficulties faced by the automotive industry, Porsche achieved sales growth of 18 percent (22,791 vehicles) in Europe, which is an impressive result. The German market stands out in particular, where 6,925 vehicles were delivered, which is a growth of 16 percent compared to the same period last year.

When it comes to the rest of the world, China as the largest market recorded sales of 17,685 vehicles. 13,042 vehicles were delivered in the United States and 28,991 in the Middle East.

“Given the exceptional circumstances affecting the wider automotive industry, our sales teams and dealers performed well in the first quarter. The re-emergence of coronavirus in some regions such as China has put us, along with persistent significant supply and logistics challenges, on At the same time, the demand for our products among customers around the world is still high – they are equally in demand in Europe, America and China, ”says Detlev von Platen, Member of the Executive Sales and Marketing Board at Porsche AG.

Increasingly popular SUVs are also selling well. The highest demand was for the Porsche Cayenne with 19,029 vehicles and the Macan with 18,329 vehicles delivered. 9,327 Porsche 911 models were sold worldwide, 7,735 Panameras and 4,536 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Expectations for the rest of the year are uncertain, so Porsche is cautious when it comes to sales results. “The impact on our business activities is constantly being examined and evaluated by our working group of experts. Despite all that, we are still optimistic and we will not make any compromises when it comes to creating cars that give our customers a unique and emotional experience,” said Detlev von Platen.

Source: Porsche