Not stopping at a red light is considered a serious traffic violation and can result in a collision with serious consequences, so companies are working on technology that should help solve that problem. Porsche presented the technology for this common and big problem.

According to Carbuzz, the new technology uses a camera to track the change of traffic lights, giving drivers a better chance of spotting them in time and reacting. The device can be placed above the dashboard, or in other places, and it will show red, orange (yellow) and green lights just like a traffic light. This could reduce the chances of dangerous braking in emergency situations when a driver sees a traffic light change too late, as this scenario often results in being hit by another car approaching from behind.
Porsche says the device may not be able to reproduce the exact shade, but it should be enough for the driver to easily identify the traffic light. This could be useful for drivers of cars like the Porsche 911, who sometimes find it difficult to see the traffic lights, depending on it’s position.
This technology is still in testing, but still represents progress. Today, there are various sign recognition systems, and BMW has equipped the new 7 Series with an interior light line called the Interaction Bar. One of the functions of this light line is connected to the Safe Exit function and informs passengers if it is safe to get out of the car.
When we will see this technology in use and whether it will be standard equipment of all subsequent generations of Porsche cars, remains to be seen.

Source: Carbuzz